
What are Innovation

Innovation Clusters are defined as organized structures formed by independent startups, small and medium-sized or large enterprises operating in the same economic field, research and dissemination bodies, non-profit companies and public organizations with main concern the promotion of innovation. The main objectives of an Innovation Cluster are realized in the frame of synergy activities, facilities sharing and knowledge and expertise exchange, contributing to the upgrade and transfer of know-how, novel products development, staff training, the incorporation of new technologies and the building of research collaboration networks between companies and research organizations.

What is the "GRawMat Innovation Cluster"?

GRawMat represents the Greek Innovation Cluster established by the major enterprises and research bodies with direct or indirect activities in the field of mining and raw materials production. In the frame of GrawMat, the members create collaboration links in order to utilize their experience and know-how, to promote complementarity against existing competition and to develop innovative processes and products, thus, contributing to the technical, economic and environmental adaptation of circular economy practices

Εγγραφή στο Cluster
International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy
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